Section: New Results


Participants : Damiano Lombardi, Irene Vignon Clementel.

In [32] numerical quadrature schemes for the integration of observable quantities in the Brillouin zone for the periodic Schrödinger operator are investigated.

The indocyanine green (ICG) clearance, presented as plasma disappearance rate is, presently, a reliable method to estimate the hepatic function. However, this technique is not instantaneously available and thus cannot been used intra-operatively (during liver surgery). Near-infrared spectroscopy enables to assess hepatic ICG concentration over time in the liver tissue. In [14], we propose to extract more information from the liver intensity dynamics by interpreting it through a dedicated pharmacokinetics model. Parameters for different liver states are estimated from in-vivo measurements in rabbits (El-Desoky et al. 1999), and their link with liver function is investigated.

The hepatic hemodynamics is an essential parameter in surgical planning as well as in various disease processes. The transit time ultrasound (TTUS) perivascular flow probe technology is widely used in clinical practice to evaluate the hepatic inflow, yet invasive. The phase-contrast-MRI (PC-MRI) is not invasive and potentially applicable in assessing the hepatic blood flow. In [15], we compare the hepatic inflow rates using the PC-MRI and the TTUS probe, and evaluated their predictive value of post-hepatectomy adverse events in a porcine experimental model of partial hepatectomy.